A few video clips taken during the second day of the first two-week session at our Tucson Circus Arts summer Circus Camp 2011!
Showmanism 101
Check out this podcast from Expanding Mind internet radio featuring a dialogue on some of the best stuff that festal culture is made of!
Cinema Carnaval: Two Films From the Land of the Marvelous Real
For your consideration; “Orfeu Negro” and “A Dios, MoMo”.
Opening Parade for Tucson Carnaval 2011 Video
A taste of the festivities from Tucson Carnaval 2011!
The Roots of Carnival
Jacob Devaney offers his insights into Carnaval culture.
All Souls Procession 2010 Budget Breakdown
Here we present the budget breakdown for All Souls Procession 2010, including total revenues gathered, expenses incurred, and remaining debt as of December 2010.
Spirits of the Air
Gerry Loew spotlights the Spirit Group aerialists.
Growing Pains
2010 was a year of transition for the All Souls Procession Weekend and for the Procession’s organizing body, Many Mouths One Stomach. Most notably, locations for both the Procession of Little Angels and the All Souls Procession Grand Finale ceremony switched from our longtime host venues at Jácome Plaza and the Franklin Street docks to…
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