MMOS News Update: Vernal Equinox 2011

Spring salutations to everyone from Many Mouths One Stomach! The seasonal changes may not be as dramatic throughout the yearly cycle for those of us here in the desert southwest as they are for other locales, but the signs are there if we keep a look-out for them; budding ocotillos and mesquites, nest-building birds, wildflowers. Subtle indicators of Life renewing itself year after year in a harsh, demanding environment. With so much turmoil in the world, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by it all, to feel fearful and powerless. No matter what happens friends, remember to look for the Life. It’s everywhere, inside and outside, even in times when it may be more difficult to see. Reach out for it and take it. It’s yours.

The big news for MMOS as we enter Spring 2011 is….we are still in debt on All Souls Procession 2010, to the tune of about $4,500. Once that’s cleared, fundraising for this year’s Procession can begin. The recent Cannibal Cabaret benefit raised about $500 after production costs were paid, and our end-of-year drive on Facebook brought in roughly $2,000 in donations from friends of All Souls Procession Weekend there. We thank everyone who participated in those and the general fundraising effort! You’re supporting your own Procession!

The process of fundraising is always a challenge, and all the more so in difficult times for the economy. We also understand there are many, many organized efforts in the same position we are who ask the same of you, and that there’s only so much resources and attention to go around. Again, it can be overwhelming!

But the power is all in the collective effort. Do you know that if everyone who came out to participate in All Souls Procession each year contributed $3, maybe $4, the entire event would be paid for by the people alone. That’s it. Just three or four dollars. If everyone is giving –every one of us who come out for the Procession because it means something special to us, whatever that may be for each– then it becomes no longer a struggle or a challenge, but an act of community empowerment. It takes so little if all are involved. If you haven’t yet participated in the effort to support All Souls Procession, please consider giving a few dollars. It can’t happen without us. A lot of a little goes a long, long way!

Paypal, Network for Good, or check via snail-mail:

We’re hoping to put together another Spring FUNdraiser for Procession of Little Angels. There’s not much to report on that front as yet, but heads up and keep an eye on our Facebook pages and email newsletter for more info as it becomes available. We had our first PoLA fundaiser last year at Splinter Brothers and Sisters Warehouse and raised about $300 in ticket and food sales. We’d love to triple that this time, which would pay for almost 2/3rds the total event cost for this year’s Procession of Little Angels!

Our subsidiary teaching effort Tucson Circus Arts is preparing for its annual youth Summer Circus Camp, and enrollment is underway! A pair of 2-week courses are being offered, May 30-June 10 and June 20-July 1, with stilt-walking, poi-spinning, aerial silks, taiko drumming, walking globe, juggling, strength/co-ordination/flexibility training, costume and make-up design and more on the curriculum! Each two-week session will culminate in a recital performance where the youth will show off their new technique before an audience. This is a great crash-course in the art of festal culture and an amazing opportunity for young people to discover just how fabulous they can be, as well as a learning experience in the power and value of teamwork. Space is limited. You can click on the following link to fill out the registration form:

And last, Many Mouths One Stomach has a new page on Facebook! The page will keep you in the loop on MMOS plans and activities from All Souls Procession to Tucson Circus Arts and more as we nurture community and creativity through festal culture in Tucson and beyond.

By “liking” the MMOS page you can also be kept informed of all updates to The Mouth, as well as the efforts of others who we share common cause with. Come join us there!

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