A great big THANK YOU to all who turned out last Saturday on a very warm spring afternoon for our very first fundraiser event to benefit this year’s Procession of Little Angels, and to our host Elizabeth Tobias at Splinter Brothers & Sisters Warehouse for having us at her awesome space. We raised about $300 total! A little less than half of those proceeds came from sales of food and beverage donated by PoLA volunteer and mom Jessica Kraus from Planet of the Crepes and our good friends at Epic Cafe. Valarie Mariscal donated (yet again!) her time, energy and materials to provide us all with a great art table that was busy from beginning to end. And Bob and Trish Evans, Capoeira Mandinga, Kelly Domitrz, Charlie and Angela (and special guest Chuck!) from Tucson Puppet Works, Tucson Circus Arts, and Alex Ferris of Anarchestra all gave us an amazing afternoon and evening full of performance and teaching. It was quite special, I’m sure all who attended would agree. To all of you friends and allies, we are grateful.