I’d like to introduce you to Mia and Ty’Shell Jones. They and their parents –Misty and Shelly– were our first family at this year’s Costuming Workshops for the Procession of Little Angels.
During that workshop, I’d explained to Misty that the All Souls Procession Weekend is a festival event created by and for the community itself, that the grants and local small business donations have greatly dried up in the past two years, and that now more than ever before we are looking to the people of the community –individuals like you and I– to help sustain and nurture All Souls into the future. When the Jones family returned the following Wednesday night to finish up work on Ty and Mia’s costumes, Shelly gave me a very much appreciated cash contribution to show their support for this precious and amazing communal celebration that means so much to so many people. When they left that night, I really hadn’t thought we’d see them again until the Little Angels festival on November 7th.
Last night though we did see them again when they dropped by for some last minute costume touch-ups on a chilly autumn evening. And just as they were leaving, Ty and Mia presented me with a total of $7.38 between them of their own allowance money and savings in support of Procession of Little Angels and All Souls Procession. Ty handed me some bills, then he emptied his little coin purse out into my hands, then Mia gave me yet more bills. Wow. Awesome!
Way to go, Mia and Ty! You helped to pay for your own Procession! And Misty and Shelly, what a beautiful family you have and a great job you’ve done teaching your two amazing kids such responsibility by helping them to understand what it means to take part in a vital community festival like All Souls Procession.Thank you all so much.