
MMOS News Update: Winter Solstice 2011

  Dear Supporters and Donors–   2011 was the largest and grandest All Souls Procession yet, and we have you to thank! As I crunch the numbers, I am heartened by everyone’s generosity and also dismayed at how expensive this little event has become. I think we all agree this year’s route and expansive finale…

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MMOS News Update: Summer Solstice 2011

  It’s summertime in the Old Pueblo again, the time of year in the Sonoran desert when the influence of the elements over our lives is at its peak, and that influence is surely being felt by many here now; along with the scorching heat that we are all accustomed to enduring, we also have…

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MMOS News Update: Vernal Equinox 2011

Spring salutations to everyone from Many Mouths One Stomach! The seasonal changes may not be as dramatic throughout the yearly cycle for those of us here in the desert southwest as they are for other locales, but the signs are there if we keep a look-out for them; budding ocotillos and mesquites, nest-building birds, wildflowers….

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MMOS News Update: Winter Solstice 2010

And here we are again friends, at the end of another year on ye olde Gregorian calendar, in the wake of the 21st annual All Souls Procession, and at the start of what may well be a rather warm and dry winter for those of us here in Southern Arizona! With the new year approaching,…

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An interview with Randall Swindell of Ensphere and Karen Falkenstrom of Odaiko Sonora, musical directors for this year’s All Souls Procession Grand Finale ceremony. Plus, Gerry Loew’s short promotional video for All Souls Procession 2010.

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MMOS News Update: Autumnal Equinox 2010

The yearly cycle has returned us once again to Fall in Southern Arizona, when we begin looking forward to cooler temperatures and the coming of the All Souls Procession Weekend. There’s lots to tell you about, many new and exciting changes, so I’ll get right to it!

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