I know all of you are waiting with baited breath! Here it is the 2015 financial report for MMOS! We have come a LONG, LONG way and with your help will will go MUCH, MUCH farther! You can also download the PDF HERE.
Moctober Festival 2016 will be on Saturday April 2, 4 PM – 12 AM A Spring Carnival & Fundraiser for Many Mouths One Stomach… MoctoberFest is an April Fool’s Carnival, Beer festival, and Community Arts Fundraiser for All Souls Procession curators-Many Mouths One Stomach. Thank YOU for your attendance & support! A full line up…
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On April 7, people across the state (and around the world!) will come together to support Arizona non-profits for Arizona Gives Day. Whether you give $1 or $1000, every dollar counts. And you can schedule your donation for April 7 today! https://azgives.givebig.org/c/GivesDay/a/allsoulsprocession AND your contribution could help us win an additional prize–we are eligible (in…
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The months of Fall are widely anticipated and greatly welcomed by those of us here in the desert southwest, as the days get a little cooler and the nights a little longer. Folks emerge from hibernation mode, and by the time we reach October, the social activity around town is shifting into high gear. As…
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All Souls Procession is a labor of LOVE! Over 250 volunteers working over 3000 hours- help create the weekend! It is a phenomenal accomplishment each year and the event relies COMPLETELY on our will power as a community. There is no big funding, no commercial endorsements, no big payouts for ANYONE involved in the planning…
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Saturday, September 28, come on down for an evening of art, music and fashion at the Steinfeld Warehouse in support of the All Souls Procession community workshops….the 2nd annual Cardboard Ball! Presented by Mykl Wells –local artist and director of the All Souls Procession Workshops– the Cardboard Ball is a showcase of repurposed cardboard creativity,…
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